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Primal Pictures demo in the UMCG

Tomorrow in the Traverse room (CMC.Z3) in the UMCG a demo session of Primal Pictures (access for RUG&UMCG) is organised by the Central Medical Library with help of Wolters Kluwer Health (with thanks to Connie Munsters Regional Sales Manager Benelux, Eastern Mediterranean, Southern Africa, Medical Research, Ovid Technologies B.V.)
The demo will be delivered by Mike Smith of Primal Pictures.
Some info:
Primal Pictures compared to other anatomy products:

        -         Primal Pictures model is made using high resolution MRI scans of real cadavers  (not based on drawings)
-      Users have several ways of navigating the models. They can rotate in 3 dimensions whilst adding and subtracting structures. They can move through the model in Axial, Saggital and Coronal slices whilst at the same time comparing the images to MRI scans .With some views they can drill down in a virtual dissection.
-          Depth of information, 40,000+ images, slides, animations and movies
-          Sports injuries modules for shoulder, knee and foot and ankle
-          Extensive Surgery titles with films of operations
-          Students and staff of the University are allowed to load images and animations into programmes for access by other students and staff of the University e.g. lecture notes in PowerPoint (i.e.  downloading is not only limited to instructors)
-          Remote access is included within the license agreement
-          Ease of management due to online access (no dvd’s or cd’s involved)
-          Most medical schools in the UK are using Primal Pictures
-          Primal Pictures is written by well known anatomists from the Imperial College London, Leeds University, University of Bristol

Near future
-          Copy web link facility: save a link directly to any image so teachers can embed these links within their teaching modules; students can just click on the link to be taken directly to that image in Primal
-          Primal are just about to release a Dental version of the Head and Neck written in conjunction with King's College London with 3D views of dental conditions and intraoral injections with clinically relevant text – link to film


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