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Showing posts from October, 2010

A Wishlist for future EAHIL Conferences ...

Someone slipped me a note late at night during the EAHIL2010 Gala Dinner. She added: "That's what I do when I wake-up at 05.00 in the morning and can't sleep. I make lists" (I might have gotten the time wrong ..., like I said, it was late at night ...) She probably thought: "Well, if Eirik can get things on the agenda talking in the gents ... , maybe this works as well" This is what she suggests or would like to see at/for future EAHIL Conferences & Workshops: Avoiding Powerpoint in Presentations.  Give us Alternative programs & examples please (Some fast temp answers: Try Prezi or  another alternative ) Creating digital instruction videos Netvibes Advanced clinic.  Further development of skills and knowledge about how to use it. (Some fast temp answers: You know how to hire me! :-) How to start your own blog (Some fast temp answers: Have a look at this Medical Library version of 23 Things ) Security effective passwords & ma...

Usage PUBMED Outside Tool : SFX Statistics of RUGLinks (2010)

For years now, I am putting together this list of the usage of our PubMed Outside Tool link . In january 2008 I blogged about it. This is an update ! In 2009 it was: 356.126 clicks (was 262.579) We still see a strong rise of the use of PUBMED wĆ­th RUGlinks (our Outside-tool, the SFX-linker). The special URL turns on our libraryā€™s Outside Tool for every record displayed in PubMed. People click the special URL with our Outside Tool username on average: ā€¢ 978 times per day (was 719 in 2008) ā€¢ 40 times per hour (was 30 in 2008) ā€¢ every 90 seconds    somebody clicks TO PubMed with this URL!  (was 2 min.) Yearly: 2010: 276.897 (so far..) 2009: 356.126 (New Year RECORD!) 2008: 270.144 2007: 262.579 2006: 221.803 2005: 189.486 2004: 73.256 2003: 24.152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Even more interesting is the rising number of times users actually CLICK on our libraryā€™s Outside Tool icon, on average: ā€¢ ...

WebMynd : more powerful than "ordinary" toolbars?

Google Search is the most used search engine in the world. Why not "enhance" these results with WebMynd  with hits from other relevant hits from YOUR PREFERRED resources and databases? and offer this in a browser sidebar seems logical too. (for IE, Firefox AND Chrome) to be abled to add your own search engines via copy and paste, is great and simple (it needs to be opensearch enabled I guess) This way I added MedlinePlus and Pubmed to my Personal Sites they offer a create your own Search Sidebar  Some remarks / Questions: Where can I look for custom created Search Sidebars from others? Only if you know the right url, you are abled to install/use others. Here is the example of  The NUS Library search sidebar . It will add results from their Library Catalogue next to the Google hits. Cool! When will you offer an edit function for new custom Search Sidebars. Please make it web-based and live. Just making something and having to wait for your compa...