Monday, October 25, 2010

A Wishlist for future EAHIL Conferences ...

Someone slipped me a note late at night during the EAHIL2010 Gala Dinner.
She added: "That's what I do when I wake-up at 05.00 in the morning and can't sleep. I make lists"
(I might have gotten the time wrong ..., like I said, it was late at night ...)
She probably thought: "Well, if Eirik can get things on the agenda talking in the gents... , maybe this works as well"
This is what she suggests or would like to see at/for future EAHIL Conferences & Workshops:
  1. Avoiding Powerpoint in Presentations. 
    • Give us Alternative programs & examples please
      (Some fast temp answers: Try Prezi or  another alternative)
  2. Creating digital instruction videos
  3. Netvibes Advanced clinic. 
    • Further development of skills and knowledge about how to use it.
      (Some fast temp answers: You know how to hire me! :-)
  4. How to start your own blog
    (Some fast temp answers: Have a look at this Medical Library version of 23 Things)
  5. Security
    • effective passwords & management
    • what to look out for in Web 2.0, awareness on security
      (Some fast temp answers: Try Sxipper or LastPass)
  6. E-Books
  7. 10 things to do with your mobile phone(Some fast temp answers: here is a start info doc about Mobile & Libraries)
  8. Pharmaceutical libraries
    • what are they
    • how are they different
      (Some fast answer: I don't know much about "pharma-libs", but liked this presentation)
  9. iPod, iPhone & iPad Apps
    • bring your own
  10. Copyright Update /Refresher
    • what are the rules
  11. Moodle Workshop
  12. Linkstorming session using Twitter
    • collect apps that deal with topics ie. videos, medical images ...etc
      Do WE Have a MESH for Web 2.0?
  13. Best Programs that teach you 10 finger typing FAST
  14. Reviews & highlights of other conferences
  15. EAHIL Website: Book recommendations by Topic, from lectures etc.
I will make sure the next EAHIL Workshop & Conference Organizers will get this short list.
Please fill in your answers by commenting, or even add NEW items on the EAHIL Wish List (EWL!)


Tuulevin lukublogi said...

Good to know you're going to forward this to the board and the IPCs of the future conferences and workshops.

I cannot quite get the first one - why should the tool mean more than the content? Would someone really prefer a non-content Prezi presentation to a ppt that supports someone who really is presenting a good paper?

And this one is hard: "Copyright Update /Refresher - what are the rules". It was suggested to 2008 CECs but who could manage to train/teach/present this/how could it be done as long as the copyright laws differ?

Unknown said...

Dear Guus
I quite agree with you, but it is not so easy to replace the format of PowerPoint presentations. People are used to it. What we could do in future EAHIL workshops is to gradually start intoducing more interactive forms of learning and teaching. For instance when I worked at FAO I participated to the first UN ShareFair where PP presentations were not allowed at all. I really liked it. People were enthusiastic and enjoyed while sharing knowledge. Have a look at interactive corners, the knowledge tree, discussion sessions. Maybe we can get some ideas

Unknown said...

Hi Guus,

It is a nice list. Most of the items on the wishlist can be done already. Think of the presentation workshop or the SIG for pharmaceutical libraries.
If somebody would like to discuss ie. digital video instructions, or iPad users; it is very easy nowadays to gather interested people by using twitter or some other tool, and just invite other interested people.
So for me the list is not new, but well worth reviewing for organisers of the next EAHIL meetings in Turkey and Belgium.


cwerfre 3qrfmperg said...

I would like to add "interactivity" to this impressive list. Give the 'participants' an easy barrier-free opportunity to participate more actively, e.g. by a twitter wall or other low barrier tools.

Karen Johanne Buset said...

This is a very good starting point to to get ideas and to process them into something useful.

Hands on sessions is always a good thing, eg the
Linkstorming session using Twitter

And to work with Pad/iPhone
- apps
- ongoing projects
- discuss ideas
- form new projects togeather