For years now, I am putting together this list of the usage of our PubMed Outside Tool link.
In january 2008 I blogged about it.
This is an update!
In 2009 it was: 356.126 clicks (was 262.579)
We still see a strong rise of the use of PUBMED wíth RUGlinks (our Outside-tool, the SFX-linker).
The special URL turns on our library’s Outside Tool for every record displayed in PubMed.
People click the special URL with our Outside Tool username on average:
• 978 times per day (was 719 in 2008)
• 40 times per hour (was 30 in 2008)
• every 90 seconds somebody clicks TO PubMed with this URL! (was 2 min.)
2010: 276.897 (so far..)
2009: 356.126 (New Year RECORD!)
2008: 270.144
2007: 262.579
2006: 221.803
2005: 189.486
2004: 73.256
2003: 24.152
Even more interesting is the rising number of times users actually CLICK on our library’s Outside Tool icon, on average:
• 1199 times per day (was 924)
• 50 times per hour (was 38)
• every 72 seconds somebody clicks the RUGLINKS icon in PUBMED to get access to the fulltext and see info about the availability of the specific document.(was 90 sec.)
•Total 2009: 436.500 times ( was 337.436 2007)