Google Search is the most used search engine in the world. Why not "enhance" these results with WebMynd
- with hits from other relevant hits from YOUR PREFERRED resources and databases?
- and offer this in a browser sidebar seems logical too. (for IE, Firefox AND Chrome)
- to be abled to add your own search engines via copy and paste, is great and simple (it needs to be opensearch enabled I guess)
- This way I added MedlinePlus and Pubmed to my Personal Sites
- they offer a create your own Search Sidebar
Some remarks / Questions:
- Where can I look for custom created Search Sidebars from others?
Only if you know the right url, you are abled to install/use others. Here is the example of The NUS Library search sidebar. It will add results from their Library Catalogue next to the Google hits. Cool! - When will you offer an edit function for new custom Search Sidebars. Please make it web-based and live. Just making something and having to wait for your company to check and authorize my creation is só outdated ....
- Meanwhile, while we are wiating for this to happen ...please tell me what is the best way to update or change one of mine Search Sidebars!?
- When will I be abled to really save my preferences, so that i do not need to set and reset my sites anymore.
- Please take a look at the workflow of the creation of the Search Sidebars, as I got thrown out from it while watching some helpfile. I now have 3 half-ready search sidebars, with NO WAY TO EDIT OR DELETE!
- Is there ANY logic in the order in which the sites appear, and how can I control that? It now seems completely chaotic and is changing everytime.
- Are you thinking of offering this for other major Search engines too? Bing , Yahoo ...
- WebMynd is certainly very promising as a new option for users to personalize their browser search results
- Thanks to @aarontay we get to enjoy the coolest tools for the browsers.
In response to a few of your remarks/questions:
- We are excited to announce that as of next week we will be allowing users/publishers to add an unlimited number of advanced widgets (as opposed to the current constraint of just 1 advanced and unlimited simple).
- Also in the next week or two we will complete our revamp of the "User Control Panel" allowing registered users to actually go back and edit/remove any sidebars created using our Content Concierge Platform. We also pushed a build this morning that will generate your search sidebar in <1 minute!
- These sidebars are already fully compatible with all other major search engines...Yahoo!, Bing, Google, YouTube - across your major browsers: IE, FireFox, Chrome and soon, Safari.
- We are working on a solution that will add more comprehensive logic as to how your verticals appear (in which order) in the sidebar. Currently, we place the vertical/widget that loads first at the top.
- Finally, we are looking to introduce a Content Concierge Gallery that will allow users to browse other generated sidebars - look out for this in November!
We are very excited to have you and all your readers taking a look at our product. Any additional feedback is monumental in creating a platform that will serve as an incredibly useful utility for a wide range of publishers/users. Keep an eye out for a few more exciting additions like a full redesign of the sidebar and customized user landing pages!
We are always interested in gathering feedback and helping anyone create a perfect search sidebar for their content consumption needs. Feel free to reach out to to the WebMynd team at
For all of you who do not wish to create a sidebar of your own, please feel free to visit our website:, scroll down and download our latest WebMynd Search Sidebar - Turbocharge & personalize your searches with the sites you care about most!
WebMynd Team
Yes, I agree with you WebMynd is really cool, but currently, it's in a bit of an alpha state.
I have no doubt with this feedback it will become better and good enough for us to offer to our users.
You can't get any simpler procedure to add your own Source than WebMynd is offering now
Click +Add Sources; Add Your Own by filling in your preferred name and the url, et voila!
You might give it a go again. Try this for trusted public health resources: 4URHealth Sidebar for Warner Memorial Library, Eastern University,