With 1300+ downloads and a max of 320 simultaneous users the PubMed Toolbar for many a useful browser toolbar on a daily basis.
- Here is a short summary of a little survey run via the Toolbar and on the NLM Toolbars Blog. See the Slides
- Below that are some other tools to use PubMed inside your browser.
- EXTRA 1: be sure to check this article on 3rd Party PubMed Tools:
Lu Z. PubMed and beyond: a survey of web tools for searching biomedical literature. Database. 2011 Jan;2011. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/database/baq036 - EXTRA 2: Alternative PubMed Interfaces, a blog post in the "almost 23 Things for Medical Librarians"
In the "ALT PUBMED" Menu of the Pubmed Toolbar even more nice tools are to be discovered in the section PUBMED TOOLS.
Added Today:
- If you have a Conduit Toolbar, you can Add PubMed related buttons, menu's and even complete widgets to it (Currently, NLM PillBox and QuickSearch NLM Searches, more to come soon!)
- Chrome Extensions to be added to the fastest growing new Browser from Google. Now available:Radiopaedia, a nice citation generator for Pubmed. Just add PMID, DOI or ISBN.
- a large list of Add-Ons using Pubmed and related from Mozilla for:
- Firefox, SeaMoneky, Thunderbird, Mobile and SunBird
- A classic post by David Rothman about "How to: Add PubMed to the search bar of Firefox 2.0 or IE7" (or higher)
- •You can now add Pubmed to your Google Toolbar as a Button (only IE & FF) or other Pubmed Buttons and more...
- •See all Widgetbox widgets for Pubmed to add and embed to practical all platforms
- •Have a look at all Pubmed and NLM widgets from Netvibes to share and embed in iGoogle, Apple Desktop, Windows Live, Vista etc.
- •And last but not least, use the Search Plugins to add Pubmed search to your Browser Search Box.
Do you have anything to add? Please drop me a line in email or Twitter (@digicmb)