Monday, February 04, 2013

Comparing (Medical) Journal Apps

There are a couple of great Apps available to read your preferred Journals, scan them and keep up to date on your tablet.
The CMB UMCG want to test a few of them more thoroughly in the next weeks.

Flipboard-like (Medical)
  • DocwiseRead (by QxMD) personalized "Flipboard" for medical journals, news and topics.
    Both these Apps have Settings for our library's proxy off-campus access.
    • In Docwise you choose: Alabama; University Medical Center Groningen
    • In Read: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen(reviews Docwise & Read)

Start Pages-like (Medical)
  • Docphin (unfortunately they are not responding to my requests to include our outside-US Institution, we can't test it. Update: They are willing to activate my institution, details sent, now we have to wait!)
Bookshelf-like (All Topics, including Medical)
  • BrowZine (We are talking to them for a possible trial. This is the only App with a license-fee plan)
  • Finally reading Tables of Contents in a useful way?

What do you think?


Janneke said...

thanks for the tip, I tried docwise, although the registration process was akward, the app seems to work fine

digicmb said...

Thank you Daniel for the info. We want to do a trial period with the 4 apps mentioned and are waiting for some to add our institutional access and/or holdings. We would like to create a comparison table and ask ou to give us some features we shoukd compare between all! We want details on your alghorithms and search specific settings.:-)