The 2012 updates of the Journal Citation Reports, better know as the IMPACT FACTORS are available, but not yet complete and finalized. According to the JCR Notices the data will be updated weekly with additions or adjustments to the JCR data.
All changes will be reflected in the JCR Web interface when the dataset is reloaded and closed in September 2013. Citation metrics published in this section can be considered official JCR data.
We are working on the updates all the Top25% files and will publish them all in September when the dataset is reloaded and closed.
Please contact us if you need a particular list sooner.
Please contact us if you need a particular list sooner.
Steps to get an updated list of your preferred Subject Category:
- Just Click SUBMIT in opening screen to view groups of Journals by Subject category
- Select one or more categories from the list.
- Select to View Journal Data; sort by IMPACT FACTOR and Click SUBMIT
- You will see the complete list of your Subject Category sorted by Impact Factor
- Divide the total amount of journals by 4 to get the Top25% Journal Titles