How to get people to download your brand new Journal app for the Library?
Besides putting out Download banners on your website or blog, you can use a smart App Banner for IOS Applications that appears when users on iPad or iPhone visit your Blog or Website via the mobile Safari browser.
I first read about this at the BrowZine Marketing Tools for Libraries page
I tried it on this Blog and on atUMCG, the blog about all UMCG scientific publications.
There are plugins for this in WordPress, but all you need to do is to add a little single string of code in the Header section of the blog or website.
Here are the strings for BrowZine and docwise.
docwise iPad
docwise iPhone:
I want to know more about this!
Besides putting out Download banners on your website or blog, you can use a smart App Banner for IOS Applications that appears when users on iPad or iPhone visit your Blog or Website via the mobile Safari browser.
I first read about this at the BrowZine Marketing Tools for Libraries page
I tried it on this Blog and on atUMCG, the blog about all UMCG scientific publications.
There are plugins for this in WordPress, but all you need to do is to add a little single string of code in the Header section of the blog or website.
Here are the strings for BrowZine and docwise.
<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=463787411">
docwise iPad
<meta content='app-id=581136701' name='apple-itunes-app'>
docwise iPhone:
<meta content='app-id=628730259' name='apple-itunes-app'>
I want to know more about this!
- Can I use 2 meta tags to offer the iPad ánd the iPhone version?
- What about different browsers?
- Can I use this to promote an Android App?
- Can I get this code into the Mobile versions/template of WordPress and/or Blogger?
- What else can I use to alert visitors of my Blog or website to my Apps? Pop-ups, Toolbars, widgets?