The Graduate School of Medical Sciences (GSMS) now licenses the plagiagism software tool iThenticate with the specific goal to facilitate promotors, and supervisors of doctoral/phd students.
Doctoral/PHD-students should turn to their promotors and supervisors if they want to scan manuscripts, as only they have access to an account in iThenticate.
All other staff members in the UMCG can -as of now- turn to the Central Medical Library (CMB) of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) to have manuscripts scanned for plagiarism with iThenticate. The CMB will perform the scan in iThenticate, deliver the detailed report and offers to discuss the results with the author. Please send us an email or call us (050) 361 6200) to make an appointment.
Doctoral/PHD-students should turn to their promotors and supervisors if they want to scan manuscripts, as only they have access to an account in iThenticate.
All other staff members in the UMCG can -as of now- turn to the Central Medical Library (CMB) of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) to have manuscripts scanned for plagiarism with iThenticate. The CMB will perform the scan in iThenticate, deliver the detailed report and offers to discuss the results with the author. Please send us an email or call us (050) 361 6200) to make an appointment.
Students of the University of Groningen have to turn to their supervisors & teachers in NESTOR to have manuscripts scanned in Ephorus INSIDE Nestor.
For more information on the use of iThenticate in the UMCG, please contact the GSMS.