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Showing posts from December, 2008

Liber Quarterly published now in open access

"LIBER Quarterly 18-3/4 Published" From the Liber website: LIBER Quarterly 18-3/4 Published The last 2008 issue of LIBER Quarterly has been published on open access at . It features this yearā€™s Annual General Conference which dealt with strategic issues such as Quality versus Quantity and Changes in Scholarly Communication. Although much of the content deals with the digital world, the impressive new Additional Storage Building of the British Library at p. 388 is not to be missed. Read more

CME Search : Continuing Medical Education

AltSearchEngines is really a site to watch on a regular basis if you want to know about new search engines out there! Today they post about CME Click . a search engine for Continuing Medical Education. According to the review : "CME Click is neither perfect nor very pretty, but it is a handy tool when a procrastinating physician (or a highly efficient one who has only just been informed about a new mandate) needs to meet a CME requirement as quickly as possible" Something to give a closer look for sure. Although the review mentiones no available RSS feed, I found that the following page is RSS-enabled: It looks like all new CME content is published in these nodes. Just give your RSS-feed reader, preferably NETVIBES this url and it will turn in a nice overview of titles. So you can keep up, but unfortunately you can NOT see extra info. The feed is just the titles & links. Some improvement to be done...

Tag Cloud Blogger based on WP-Cumulus

Here is the post about the Blogger version of the Wordpress Cumulus Tag Cloud by Roy Tanck: This explains in detail how to install it on Blogger to work with your labels! Tags: blogumus , wp-cumulus , tagcloud

Odiogo podcasts EMPTY?

After installation and registration for Odiogo a couple of days ago , it first looked all ok , but now it seems the latest posts of this blog NO LONGER CONTAIN THE ACTUAL AUDIO, JUST THE PROMO. Where is " my " content gone ? The Google Maps post is the first that actually contains a audio message... Let's see how fast the support is for Odiogo . I mailed them yesterday ... Tags : odiogo , podcast

Odiogo free service turn your blog into Podcast

I just added the Odiogo free service " Voice your content" to this blog. It "only" supports English language blogs, but it is so easy to use. Within a few minutes you have an RSS feed for the seperate posts, a link to the complete stream . It is now also available on the Netvibes Universe and via the Library Toolbar radio player !

Webcast "Libraries and Research 2.0"

The webcasts of the Nordlib 2.0 are now also available as seperate tracks! This is my contribution: Guus Van den Brekel: Webcast: Libraries meet Research 2.0 (See the slides here: Slides ) I advice to -at least- have a look at the opening talk by Richard Gatarski Ɣnd the closing Keynote by Brian Kelly . Tags: nordlib2.0 , nordlib , research2.0 , webcast

SelfCheckā„¢ Systems for Checkout in Groningen

The Library of the University of Groningen has chosen the SelfCheckā„¢ Systems for Checkout by 3M as default self-service provider. Just last week we installed the SelfCheck desk with a special piece of furniture (above). The systems works with the LBS4 module of OCLC/Pica. We are the 3rd library within the organization that offers their users the option to check-out their books (and more will follow). Below you see the service desks at the FWN Library (white) and the University Library itself. Currently the libraries, 3M and OCLC/Pica are working together to get rid of some unpredictable errors. When these problems are solved, the service can be offered to the public. Download MP3 Tags: 3M , OCLC , Pica , selfcheck , UMCG , FWN , LBS4

PurpleSearch & Library Toolbar: federated search in medical databases

PurpleSearch is a new innovative search discovery tool developed at the Library of the University Groningen. Currently only students and staff of RUG and UMCG can access it, but for the curious searchers and librarians some demo accounts are available. The project email address is There is a project blog , but most technical details are in the project wiki - It is in a beta, and many usefull web 2.0 features already developed are not yet visible. As a test I have added a selected databases list to the search box of the Central Medical Library Toolbar. Any search put in that searchbox will be " limited" to the following databases:, Pubmed, PiCarta, Cinahl, Cochrane, SocIndex, Web of Science and the UMCG Repository. One of the features is a Query Analysis that offers other relevant databases, bases on result analysis of previous searches. Download MP3

MEDNAR SEARCH: Innovative Medical Search

Just read a post from the AltSearchEngines site about Mednar : "Yet another impressive achievement of the firm Deep Web Technologies , which already has a stellar record of achievement providing the underlying technology of , , and the brand new Biznar a free, publicly available business research site." Good enough to make into a widget: Get the Mednar widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox ! Download MP3

Academic Video Search : YOVISTO Here's another science web 2.0 site: a search for Academic video's published, complete with all kind of other relevant web 2.0 stuff.. Not that much universities joined, but those that are there are impressive. They have a Twitter account too. Download MP3

UMCG Group & Radio created at

After enjoying listening to (THE social music channel/player) for a long time. I decided to try if my organisation is ready for some social software and " sharing". After seeing the great example of Stockholm University with their Stockholm University Group Radio , I made the group University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) at It's a free & open group, so if you want to join, please do ! offers you unlimited music to listen to. Just enter the name of a band or artist you want to listen to .. et voila. You will get detailed information about the music, and will be abled to listen to an unlimited range of tracks and groups that are simular or somehow connected to your entered band or track. You can then rate the music and share it with others. That's the strenght of By joining the UMCG group , a special UMCG Radio channel is created based upon the tracks all members of that group have been list...

TU/e Library meeting

Today I had the pleasure to give a talk about Web 2.0 and libraries at the University of Technology Eindhoven at the first library staff meeting dedicted to knowledge exchange, a true knowledge session. They closed all libraries that aftenoon to make sure all staff was abled to come. At least 45 of them were there! A great turn-up. One of my goals was to show them that we should just DO web 2.0 stuff. Library staff should have the opportunity to play with it, to learn. So I tried not to talk to much ... and just do some live demo's. I showed that a library toolbar could be made in 5 minute, turn it into a html box and widget, add rss-feeds. ( Web 2.0 : kansen voor bibliotheken View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: web2.0 web20 ) The second talk was by Karin Clavel by the Technical University Delft Library about her project to research and design a new library search system. It was an inspiring explanation about how to ...

Google Maps as list viewer

Arhg, how long can you overlook something as simple a "link" option in Google Maps? After a good example from Brian Kelly in his talks all over the world in Google Maps, I finally sat down and tried to capture all of mine in a map. And then I keps searching for the embedded code for hours, stupido. And finally I found it. It is in the righthand corner under the icon with text "link" ;-) View Larger Map Tags: google , maps , ukoln , embed , presentations , google maps