You could ask why on earth do you want that.... Well, simply to insert the feed into a feed reader or make all posts/updates available in an "aggregator" like With Rebelmouse you can create your own social media Frontpage (and blog) based on various social media accounts, searches AND RSS feeds. ( More on Rebelmouse and the power of curation ) Say I want to add Facebook posts Ɣnd images from the page Inuit Art Zone into a Rebelmouse I made about Inuit Art . Rebelmouse offers to add My Pages via my facbook account, but other pages can only be entered via RSS. You only need TWO things : the base url string for the RSS feed: the Facebook ID of the page: Find the Facebook (Page) ID Add the ID at the end of the url string and you have a complete working RSS feed! For Inuit Art Zone the RSS feed would be:
The Web, Research, Virtual and Social Networks in Health & Medicine .... The Infectious Library