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Showing posts from July, 2013

Make RSS feed from any Facebook Page

You could ask why on earth do you want that....   Well, simply to insert the feed into a feed reader or make all posts/updates available in an "aggregator" like  With Rebelmouse you can create your own social media Frontpage (and blog) based on various social media accounts, searches AND RSS feeds. ( More on Rebelmouse and the power of curation  ) Say I want to add Facebook posts Ć”nd images from the page Inuit Art Zone  into a Rebelmouse I made about Inuit Art . Rebelmouse offers to add My Pages via my facbook account, but other pages can only be entered via RSS. You only need TWO things :  the base url string for the RSS feed: the Facebook ID of the page: Find the Facebook (Page) ID Add the ID at the end of the url string and you have a complete working RSS feed! For   Inuit Art Zone  the RSS feed would be:

Updates from Journal Apps (BrowZine, docwise, ReadbyQxMD, Docphin)

Here a short overview of all new updates around the Journal apps we are supporting. Personally I am most excited about the anouncements of " docwise " making big steps to keep up with BrowZine & Read (Integration -"Open in"- with Dropbox, Evernote and more, save and email full text articles), but making a hug jump with unique features, like shareable Folders with docwise users Ć”nd a RSS reader feature (boldly called Google Reader replacement!). Bring it on! BrowZine : just published the Android Version of their App to which the CMB UMCG now has a subscription. To be downloaded from Google Play Store or Amazon App Store the following publishers have been added  Project MUSE Cambridge University Press American Marketing Association Academy of Management Royal Society of Chemistry Institute of Physics American Physical Society Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) American Geophysical Union International Society for Optics a...

Add UpToDate To Your Home Screen of Mobile or Tablet

Published on 11 Jul 2013 For UMCG and University of Groningen staff and students; How to Add upTodate as a Home button on your iPhone

Correcting Errors in PubMed

An error found in a PubMed record can be corrected, but whether the correction can be made by the publisher depends on the publication status of the citation in question and whether the error also occurred in the original version of the article (print or online). Publishers can correct errors ONLY if the citation has the publication status [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]. Citations with the publication status [PubMed - in process], [PubMed - Indexed for MEDLINE], [PubMed] and [PubMed - OLDMEDLINE] can ONLY be corrected by NLM staff. Errors that also appeared in the original version of the article cannot be corrected until an Erratum is issued in an upcoming issue of the journal. Please see NLM's Errata, Retraction, Duplicate Publication, and Comment Policy Fact Sheet for more information. Please use this format when submitting a request for correction to To: Subject: REQUEST FOR CORRECTION P...

Central Medical Library keeps Journal App "BrowZine"!

After a trial-period -initiated by the Central Medical Library - the Libraries of the University of Groningen decided to keep access to this very useful so-called "Journal App" BrowZine for at least the next 12 months! BrowZine will be accessable for all staff and students of the UMCG Ć”nd the RUG. After download of the App ( iPad   | Android ): Staff of the University Medical Center Groningen can simply login with their  CMB Proxy account! Staff and students of the University of Groningen can simpy login with their P- or S-number.   BrowZine  is an App for managing YOUR individual choice of academic journals to keep up with. It offers a new way of monitoring and reading scholarly journals across all disciplines, connected to your library's subscription, with seamless access to the fulltext, plus offline reading. BrowZine is available for iPad and Android . BrowZine, now also for Android from Centrale Medische Bibliotheek, Universitair ...

Impact Factors Journal Citation reports 2012 are available

The  2012 updates of the Journal Citation Reports, better know as the IMPACT FACTORS are available, but not yet complete and finalized.  According to the JCR Notices the data will be updated weekly with additions or adjustments to the JCR data. All changes will be reflected in the JCR Web interface when the dataset is reloaded and closed in September 2013. Citation metrics published in this section can be considered official JCR data. We are working on the updates all the Top25% files and will publish them all in September when the dataset is reloaded and closed. Please  contact us  if you need a particular list sooner. To the 2012 version Steps to get an updated list of your preferred Subject Category: Just Click SUBMIT in opening screen to view groups of Journals by Subject category Select one or more categories from the list. Select to View Journal Data; sort by IMPACT FACTOR and Click SUBMIT You will see the complete list of your Subject Categ...

Promoting (Library) Apps with Smart Banners

How to get people to download your brand new Journal app for the Library? Besides putting out Download banners on your website or blog, you can use a smart App Banner for IOS Applications that appears when users on iPad or iPhone visit your Blog or Website via the mobile Safari browser. I first read about this at the BrowZine Marketing Tools for Libraries page I tried it on this Blog and on atUMCG, the blog about all UMCG scientific publications . There are plugins for this in WordPress , but all you need to do is to add a little single string of code in the Header section of the blog or website. Here are the strings for BrowZine and docwise. BrowZine: <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=463787411"> docwise iPad <meta content='app-id=581136701' name='apple-itunes-app'> docwise iPhone: <meta content='app-id=628730259' name='apple-itunes-app'> I want to know more about this! Can...

There is an App for that too! About Medical Libraries and mobile Apps

End of 2011 I wrote an article for a Dutch Journal called "Digitale Bibliotheek" about medical libraries and mobile apps. It is available at . Only now i got to translating it (thank the stars for friends with translator skills!) and publishing it on Scribd I used it partly for the EAHIL 2013 Workshop Session on  Mobile  technology,  platforms  and apps. Nice thing about Scribd is the embed. Less fun is the advertising on Scribd, which can be pretty inappropriate... At the end I list 5 areas libraries at least should focus on. Please give you opinion or give more suggestions! Are these areas still relevant? There is an App for That Too! About Medical Libraries and Mobile Apps by Guus van den Brekel